What is WashoCook Zen?

"WashoCook Zen" is a place in Browns Bay where you can experience Zen through Japanese Cooking by the beachside. Surrounded by the radiant sunlight and clear air, it offers an opportunity to focus on the present moment and engage with oneself through cooking. The tranquility of the mind obtained through Zen experience, along with the taste and nutritional value of Japanese cuisine, contribute to promoting harmony of the body and mind. Feel the healing of your mind and body in the beautiful nature and peaceful atmosphere of Browns Bay.
Our Service
- 2024.10.17 New Takeaway menu – updated
- 2024.08.08 New Class – Home Cooking Class
- 2024.02.23 “Our First Kids After Class” program

Zen Experience
WashoCook Zen is not just about enjoying beautiful Zen cuisine, but also about experiencing a "cooking experiential" where guests can cook some dishes together.
Details and Booking
Zen Take Away
The Sushi Burger is a completely new style of sushi where sushi ingredients are wrapped in rice and can be held and eaten by hand, similar to a hamburger.
At our company, we specialize in selling meticulously crafted wooden cooking utensils made with high-quality wood and skilled artisans.
Corporate Team Building Cooking
You can enhance teamwork within your company or school through our cooking-based team building program.